Gambling Disorders
Gambling is a behavior in which people risk something of value on an event that is not under their control or influence. This event could be the roll of a dice, a spin of a wheel or a drawing of a ticket in a lottery. In some instances, the outcome of a gamble can be financially beneficial or devastating. Gambling can also cause social, emotional and health problems. It is estimated that two million people in the United States have a gambling disorder, which affects their work and social life. Some individuals are more prone to develop a gambling problem than others. This may be due to genetics, environmental factors or stressors in their lives.
Historically, gambling was considered immoral and illegal. However, today it is more popular than ever to place a bet. Many people do not consider that gambling is an addictive behavior, but it is a real phenomenon that can be extremely difficult to overcome.
Some signs of a gambling problem include hiding money spent on gambling, lying about how much is being lost and attempting to win back losses. Another sign is an increased need to gamble in order to feel satisfied, and a feeling of anxiety or emptiness when not gambling. Lastly, some individuals find themselves becoming secretive about their gambling and are even known to spend time trying to conceal it from friends or family.
A person’s chances of developing a gambling disorder increase with age, and men are more likely to gamble than women. A history of depression, alcohol abuse and other addictions can also be risk factors. Gambling can be an escape from daily stresses, and it may provide a sense of social connection. It is important for individuals to seek treatment if they are struggling with gambling disorder.
Several different types of therapy are used in treating gambling disorders. Individual, group and family therapy are common, as well as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Other therapies that have been used to treat gambling disorder include psychodynamic therapy and relaxation techniques.
Some experts believe that the development of gambling disorders is associated with changes in brain chemistry, but there are a number of other factors as well. Genetics, a history of trauma and social inequality, especially in women, can be contributing factors. Symptoms can begin in adolescence or later in adulthood, and can range from mild to severe.
There is still debate over whether or not pathological gambling should be classified as an addiction. Until recently, it was considered more of an impulse-control disorder. The American Psychiatric Association, in its latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, has moved it to the gambling disorders section. This suggests that researchers now view it as more closely related to substance abuse and other forms of dependence than previously thought. Ultimately, this move could help researchers better understand the causes of gambling disorders. A more precise nomenclature may also help create effective laws and regulations that prevent exploitation and deception.