The Domino Effect in Writing
A domino is a small rectangular wood or plastic block with a single side bearing a number of dots resembling those on dice. The domino also has a base, or a flat surface that it rests upon. The bottom of a domino is often colored to make it easier to see when it’s placed on the table.
Dominoes are used to play games of chance and skill, as well as for educational purposes in elementary schools. They can also be a prop in stage shows, used to illustrate the principles of statistics and probability. Dominos are also commonly used in art projects and for decorative purposes.
While many people may not think of writing in terms of the domino effect, the concept of a domino construction is a great way to think about how your story unfolds. The key to a good structure is to have a clear beginning, middle and end, as well as an engaging plot with an exciting conclusion. It’s also important to have a strong theme that runs throughout the story.
The domino effect is a term that refers to any event that leads to another in a predictable and rhythmic manner. Most people have seen dominoes arranged in beautiful patterns where just one piece falls and the rest follow suit, cascading over each other in a satisfying sequence. The same principle can apply to the way you write your story, although in a less dramatic fashion.
When Hevesh creates her mind-blowing domino creations, she uses a version of the engineering design process. She starts by considering the theme or purpose of the installation and brainstorms images or words she might want to use. Next, she considers what sort of layout will best achieve that goal. Finally, she draws out the overall structure of the set and begins to lay out the dominoes on a flat surface.
Once the dominoes are laid out, it’s time to start playing! Normally, the object of the game is to score points by laying matching dominoes end to end (i.e., one’s touch two’s, two’s touch three’s, etc). Each domino has a value indicated by the number of dots on its exposed ends, called “pips.” A domino with more pips is considered to have more “weight” or to be a “heavier” piece than a domino with fewer pips.
Likewise, it’s important for data science teams to have access to tools that facilitate best practices in their analytical workflows. Unfortunately, the tools available in the software engineering world often do not match up with the needs of data science, resulting in friction when trying to transplant them into existing workflows. Domino provides a new, seamless solution for this problem, enabling data analysis to be run on any hardware, distributed across multiple machines, or scheduled as an automatic recurring job. This allows for the acceleration of modern analytical processes and provides direct access to data for internal stakeholders. Using these capabilities, Domino can transform your data analysis from a time-consuming and error-prone manual task into an automated, repeatable process that can scale to meet any business need.